Introducing our 2021 sustainability summary

Solina has launched its first sustainability summary, which is a collection of sustainability initiatives and actions from around Solina regions and sites in 2021. It highlights the great work being done around Solina in supporting having sustainability at the heart of our business model and contributing to our commitments towards our 5 P’s (people, planet, partners, performance, and products & solutions).

2021 saw many initiatives and actions implemented across Solina regions, supporting our 5Ps and that position us to be a global leader in the creation of integrated taste, functional and nutritional ingredient solutions fulfilling our purpose of making food matter for people and the planet.

In the year Solina focused on sustainability Governance and Ethics and achieved great strides in actioning our 2023 Sustainability Integration Roadmap. We delved into the world of ESG financing; continue to innovate in support of our Products and Solutions P; upheld our unrivalled customer service; and increased and digitalised our supply partner engagements, amongst many more.

Please access from the link below, our Sustainability Summary, to find out more about what we have been up to in 2021 around Solina.