Progrès et faits marquants



women in leadership positions.


Learning & Development in figures (2023)

1,000 employees signed up for workshops on The Solina Way
1,000 employees got immersed in strategy workshops
+500 employees took part in Climate Fresk workshops
+100 leaders participated in Leadership Development Programs
60 leaders were trained to have more meaningful performance and career talks


83% retention rate

We actively invest in our employees, offering them tailored career prospects, unique work experiences, and a chance to acquire invaluable expertise. In 2023, that comprehensive approach resulted in a retention rate that just fell short of our 2030 target.

“We look forward to many initiatives, such as our third Employee Survey, the launch of new L&D programs, employer branding campaigns, and digitization projects. Meanwhile, we’ll further embrace The Solina Way and embed our distinct culture in our new acquisitions. At the center of it all: our employees.”

Eric Filliat - Group Human Resources Director

Une question sur notre approche en matière d’employés et culture?